42 Spring St., Windsor Locks CT 06096 | 860-623-2524
42 Spring St., Windsor Locks CT 06096
Religious Education Office/Parish Center
45 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT 06096
Marilyn Stratton, Director of Religious Education
(860) 627-9469 • DRE email—marilynnorth77@aol.com
Judy Fritz, Religious Education Secretary
ALTAR SERVERS: Students in grade 3 and up are invited to participate in a program each fall to prepare for the privilege of serving at the altar. Contact Deacon Hank for information about the program, open to eligible students in the religious education program, and training sessions.
BAPTISM FOR OLDER CHILDREN: In order to make First Communion and first confession a child must be baptized. Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish provides an opportunity through the religious education program for school-age children to prepare for Baptism. Contact the rectory (860-623-2524) or the Religious Education office (860-627-9469) for more information.
BOOKS: Classes begin in September and end in April except for Grade 2, which continues until First Communion in May. All students are invited to take their books home at the end of the CCD year. During the school year all books are kept in the classroom or the library at the Parish Center.
CLASS LISTS & ROOM LOCATIONS: These are posted in the St. Mary Parish Center lobby during the first 2 weeks of classes. Room assignments will NOT be sent out in the mail.
DISMISSAL PROCEDURES: These are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. Please be aware of the following: Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 are dismissed from Room 14 in the Parish Center. Grades 1 and 2 are dismissed at 5:10 PM, Grades 3, 4, and 5 at 5:15 PM. Children will NOT be allowed to leave without a parent. If someone has to leave early or is being picked up by a different person, please notify the office (not the teacher) and have that person see Mrs. Stratton before picking them up. Teachers will NOT release children from class early without prior notice from the office. Monday evening classes are dismissed through the Church Street and Spring Street doors. Please be on time to pick up your child from class. Please call if you are delayed. Late pick-ups will be in the lobby.
The building closes when classes end.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Parents are encouraged to :
~ Volunteer to teach or help out in other ways with the Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish Religious Education program;
~ Remind and encourage cooperation, good manners, and good behavior in class;
~ Set a good example for your child through prayers, attendance at Mass, and living the best you can each day;
~ Teaching your child the Sign of the Cross, prayers, genuflection before the tabernacle, and acceptable church behavior.